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Friday, October 5, 2007

Support from the Top

If Bosses, Line Managers & PMs made it clear they want to see:

1) Burndown charts where they can see the progress to date vs. what was originally planned. And that they expect to see progress every day. This means that even if the manager doesn't have time for a status meeting today, if they wanted to see one s/he should be able to. It should be updated daily in accordance with what was accomplished. Management needs to catch errors early and to see if a project is going off-course in order to be pro-active.

As with daily scrum meetings, why not have a scrum-like managerial meeting where a burndown chart is presented and progress to-date is discussed, progress to-be-made is discussed and obstacles are presented?

2) Working software after each iteration! This is the only true measure of progress! Managers should ask that the software be demo'ed after each iteration.

more projects would be delivered on-time and on-budget! More users would be happy.

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